NetStArt/Column on social media, hacking and art on Punto Informatico

Last July I started my collaboration with Punto Informatico (“Informatic spot”), with the column “NetStArt”, on social networking, hacking and art. NeStArt as a starting point after the…

Event, Signal, Affect. The ‘Signaletic’ Event in Art, Culture and Politics

Conference-Colloquium, Aarhus University, June 12 &14, 2010, ADA building, room 333. This conference-colloquium at the Humanistic Faculty, Aarhus University, will relate to the widespread use of the concepts…

Aesthetic Eruptions of the Digital

Seminar & Workshops at Aarhus University, April 22 – 2010 KaserneScenen, starts 9.30. Due to the ash- and eruption related cancellation of the three-day seminar Interweaving Technologies –…

Anthology of Italian Webliterature

Parla come navighi. Antologia della webletteratura italiana (Anthology of Italian Webliterature) is published. I wrote the preface, with the title: ‘Per una letteratura della partecipazione’ (‘Towards a Participatory…

Is Something Wrong Nothing Wrong?

Keywords:  counterculture, social networking, Web 2.0, business & advertisement. The above image, published in VICE magazine Vol 7 Nr 2 (2010), is an advertisement for the social networking…

Has Facebook superseded Nettime?

My post was sent on September 25 to Nettime mailing-list, following the thread Has Facebook superseded Nettime? started by Florian Cramer. It was published on the Nettime digest…

Visiting Research at the Stanford Humanities Lab

From August 20 until December 20, 2009, I am hosted as Visiting Scholar at the Human Sciences & Technologies Advanced Research Institute at Stanford University, California H-STAR, working…