With Alessandro Delfanti, Pinar Yoldas, Salvatore Iaconesi, Rüdiger Trojok
Hashes to Ashes conference thread. Chair: Tatiana Bazzichelli
transmediale 2014 “afterglow”, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Fri, 31.1. 18:30h – 20:00h, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
This panel investigates the invisible data underneath biological science, scientific laboratory research and our body. Focusing the discussion on biohacking as an experience of “disclosure” of data and practices that belong to a branch still inaccessible for many, Salvatore Iaconesi, Rüdiger Trojok and Pinar Yoldas share their interdisciplinary researches. Activist and computer engineer Salvatore Iaconesi presents his “open source cure”, based on his personal experience of data disclosure after being diagnosed with brain cancer, advocating the right of accessing openly medical records; molecular biologist Rüdiger Trojok presents his work among the community platform hackteria, based on the collaboration of scientists, hackers and artists to work with life science technologies and cooperate on the organisation of temporary labs, hack-sprints and meetings; Artist Pinar Yoldas, selected artist in the Vilélm Flusser Residency Programme, presents her research to create a post-human ecosystem, a living community of speculative organisms and their environment.