Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 5:00pm – 7:00pm. SpringLab, Finlandsgade 24A, Aarhus.

Yesterday was the opening night of Hack Århus, the new hacker space in the city of Århus. A lot of people came despite the snow storm and we had fun with some talks, hack-presentations and circuit bending. I gave a short speech about the roots of hacker ethics and the background of hackerspaces, with examples from Italy, Germany and California.
There were some people from Labitat, the hackerspace in Copenhagen, who shared their experience with us, and some projects presentations followed – like the very interesting one about the coding-wooden-sculpture machine from Jacob Pedersen, who is one of the initiators of the Hackerspace.
Some more info about Hack Aarhus:
Hack Århus is an informal meeting place for everyone interested in the creative use of technology in the broadest sense. Hack Århus is trying to build an open space where people of diverse backgrounds come together to share resources and knowledge to build things, create digital art or hack in general.
The kick-off event introduced the Hack Århus hackerspace as well as the ideas and projects behind it to everyone interested: a couple short talks and a hands-on workshop afterward.
With guests from the Labitat, the hackerspace in Copenhagen, as well as from Aarhus University.
- 17.00 – 17.20 :: What the Hack? – A Short Trip into the Roots of Hackerspaces and Hacker Ethics
- 17.20 – 17.40 :: Labitat – Experiences from a Hackerspace in Copenhagen
- 17.40 – 17.50 :: Hack Århus – State of Affairs
- 17.50 – 18.00 :: short break
- 18.00 – 18.15 :: Projects I – A CNC Machine for Every Home
- 18.15 – 18.30 :: Projects II – Arduino for Fun and Profit
- 18.30 – 19.00 :: Workshop – Circuit bending (bring fun stuff!)
More info at: http://www.hackaarhus.dk/