Ciao Giac! – Giacomo Verde, artivismo tecnologico come condivisione

La notizia della scomparsa di Giacomo Verde, pioniere, artista, attivista, ispiratore, maestro, amico e compagno di chiacchiere ci ha raggiunto ieri mattina. Ci sarà tempo per ricordarlo con…

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Disruption Network Lab

Disruption Network Lab is an ongoing platform of events and research focused on art, hacktivism and disruption. The Laboratory takes shape through series of conference events at Studio…

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Networked Disruption – The Exhibition

“Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Business”. Group exhibition and side programme. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. Produced by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana –…

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Networked Disruption

Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking A book by Tatiana Bazzichelli Published in 2013 by the Digital Aesthetics Research Center Press, Aarhus University,…

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Networking – La rete come arte

di Tatiana Bazzichelli Prefazione: Derrick de Kerckhove, Postfazione: Simonetta Fadda Costa & Nolan, Milano, 2006; pag. 336 Fare network significa creare reti di relazione, per la condivisione di…

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What Drives Us? A Forum on Festival Sustainability

Next week I am going to Montréal (Canada) to take part in the HTMlles Festival, and to introduce the Conference What Drives Us? A Forum on Festival Sustainability….

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Networking & Disruption in Montréal

With the occasion of my participation at the HTMlles Festival in Montréal, in the context of the conference on Festival Sustainability (see here), I will be in town…

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Presentation at the Royal Geography Society Annual Conference 2014

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2014, Imperial College London Spatialities of Co-Creation, Collaboration and Peer Production in the Digital Age: Creative Networks Info: Wednesday 27 August 2014, Imperial College…

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