Postdoc at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg /transmediale

Since April 2012 I became a Postdoc researcher at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, as part of the Innovation Incubator /Centre for Digital Cultures (Art and Civic Media KT). In July 2012 my contract extended to the Institute for Culture and Aesthetic Digital Media, Faculty of Cultural Studies, where I have been working within the research framework and practice-based project “transmedial culture”, as a collaboration between Leuphana University of Lüneburg and transmediale festival.

My research projects are the following:

Research project: “Networking Communities as a Research Practice”

Associated to: “Art and Civic Media” Inkubator KT, Center for Digital Cultures
This project is a further development of Tatiana Bazzichelli’s PhD research: Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking (2008-2011). It is based on the practice of networking as a research method used to investigate new models of production of art and culture explored by artists, hacktivists and grassroots communities.

Its objective: To investigate how collaborative practices among communities of artists, activists and hackers engaging with participatory technologies and networks contribute to shape new courses of action, tools and contents within (and beyond) digital culture production.

Research Methods:
(1) To compare new modalities of art production developed by artists and activists after the emergence of social media, reflecting on distributive, iterative and socially-engaged models of participation and innovation;
(2) To apply the concept of disruptive innovation to the art field so as to open up a critical perspective on the “network economy” trying to understand how the market works after de-assembling its strategies and mechanisms of production;
(3) To rethink the concepts of (social) networking, collaborative practices, innovation and participation adopting an ethnographic approach by mapping the activities of communities locally, regionally and internationally.
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Research project: “transmedial culture”

A Practice-Based Research Project of Networking Art and Culture
Cooperation project with: transmediale, festival for art and digital culture, Berlin (Kulturprojekte Berlin)

Associated to: Institute for Culture and Aesthetic of Digital Media, Faculty of Culture Studies.
The research intends to develop a further analysis of disruptive hacker and artistic practices in the field of network culture, but also a deeper investigation into networking as a research method through a curatorial practice-based experience within transmediale festival: the “resource transmedial culture berlin” (
The reSource transmedial culture aims to work towards the creation of a shared knowledge laboratory, and a project for local and translocal distributed networks by organising events, workshops and talks involving artists, hackers, activists, researchers and cultural producers on a local, regional and international basis. 

(1) To analyse the concept of transmedial culture, investigating creative approaches across digital and analogue media, reflecting on the intersections between cultural production, networking and disruptive art practices;
(2) To reflect on the strategies of networked art and hacktivism, by developing an empirical methodology based on mutual exchanges between the members of the (post-) media art scene, cultural producers and researchers in the field of the humanities;
(3) To form practice-oriented contexts of reflection and give feedback to both theory and practice through an interdisciplinary, distributed curatorial approach.

Outcomes: To organise public events with the aim to facilitate exchange between academic and non-academic spheres of knowledge production. The outcome of these activities will be disseminated through publications with an emphasis on new types of distribution as well as on new audiovisual and performative forms.
Official Page

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